Tēnā koutou, My name is Shelley Fuller and this year I am excited to be teaching Year 3-4 children in Room 3. I spent my childhood growing up in Stratford and over the past 20+ years I have taught in Stratford, Hawkes Bay and the Manawatu and returning home, with my children, in 2019 to teach at Toko. My partner and I have 4 children between us aged 11-18, my son attends Toko School as a Year 7 and 2 of the older children are currently at Stratford High School. I have a passion for teaching a balanced programme that has a focus on hands-on learning and applying new skills while developing independent, responsible learners. This year I am also looking forward to continuing working as a within schools teacher for the Kahui Ako with a focus on well being and enhancing programmes