The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Toko School. Our meetings are held at school and are usually on a Tuesday night with a 7pm start. 

These are public meetings and parents from our school community are more than welcome to attend. Please check the community calendar or call in at the office to confirm the time and date.  At the meetings only Board members are allowed speaking and voting rights. Chat to one of our Board members or call in to the office if you would like to attend a meeting or find out more.

Elected Board Members

Brooke Wyllie, Steven Harvey, Trish Turner, Grant Robinson, Samuel Werder


  • Chairperson
    Trish Turner
  • Treasurer
    Sami Werder
  • Property
    Steven Harvey/Brooke Wyllie (buildings/grounds)
    Grant Robinson (school house)
  • Secretary /Health & Safety
    Brooke Wyllie
  • Staff Representative
    Sasha Hancock
  • Board Secretary
    Annette Hinton

Board Minutes

Minutes of previous years meetings are available by request at the office.

Strategic Planning

Toko School Policies & Procedures

We have all our current policies stored on the School Docs website. Click on the Policies and Procedures tab above to access our site. Follow the prompt on the top right hand side and find Toko School.

Quick Guide to School Docs for parents/caregivers.

To be involved in a policy review, follow the following instructions:

  1. Visit the website by clicking the link above.
  2. Enter the username (toko) and password (4392).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type “Parent”.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Submit your ratings and comments.

School Review

As part of our schools self review process we surveyed our school community in Term 3 of 2023.

We consider the review process to be a valuable part of our continuing growth and certainly in line with our Vision Statement “Quality learning for all in a caring community.”

The focus of our review is “the child.”   We value the opinion of our parents.   It is important for us to know the areas where we are performing well and also the areas that we need to sharpen up in.  With an eye to the future we were also interested in knowing of any innovations that our parent body would like us to develop.