Maths NZ
The New Zealand Math’s Website has a section for families. Below is the link with ideas about how you can help your child at home. If you are not sure what stage your child is working out in Numeracy please ask your child’s teacher.
NZ Maths Website
Bedtime Math
Our parents often ask what else they can be doing to assist their children with Maths. We have found this great website just for parents:
BEDTIME MATHS If you subscribe you will get a daily problem to solve with your children and there is also an APP you can download onto your device.
From Year 3 – 8 our students use the MATHLETICS online maths programme. Your child should already have a login and be familiar with how to use this programme from a device from home. It is a great mathematics programme which children can play online, that teaches them a range of maths skills from basic facts, measurement, algebra, statistics etc. They have their own login username and password so it keeps track of your child’s progress. Your child goes up through the levels, and can obtain certificates as they go, which we present at school. It provides students with interactive activities, games and challenges.
Some of our classes use PROTOTEC. This is a website with basic facts and times table worksheets with instant feedback and certificates.
Some of our classes (Rooms 3 – 6) are using TIMESTABLES ROCK STARS. This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
Some of our classes (Rooms 1, 2, 4) use NUMBOTS. This programme is great for boosting addition and subtraction skills.
Simple Maths Games
The games below have been designed to play in the class or at home with easy to read instructions or videos. Minimal equipment is required, usually only dice, cards or pen and paper is needed.
Simple Maths Games
Learning of Basic Facts
It is expected that by the end of:
Year 2
Children will know addition and subtraction facts to
10 with instant recall
Doubles and halves to 20
10 and facts e.g 10 + 3 = 13, 10 + _ = 17
Multiples of 10 that add to 100
Year 4
Children will know addition facts to 20
Multiplication facts for the 2, 5, 10 x tables and the corresponding division facts
Multiples of 100 that add to 1000
Year 6
Children will know subtraction facts to 20
Multiplication facts for the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 x tables and some corresponding division facts
Year 8
Children will know division basic facts up to the 10 x tables
Where is my child working at in Maths?
We have included for, parents reference, a pictorial overview of the types of learning and teaching that is occurring at each stage of your child’s Math’s journey. If you are unsure what stage your child is working at please ask them or their classroom teacher. Then you can look at each stage to decide how you can assist your child at home or to just discuss the types of learning that is occurring for them at school.
Multiplication Strategies to help with Learning Basic Facts:
Learning your basic facts can be tricky. All of our students process the concept of multiplication differently, and therefore will build their fluency and understanding at different rates. Below is a helpful sheet to assist you with helping your children at home. Learning by rote does not assist our children in developing their number sense. The strategies in this sheet are really useful. Give it a go with your children. We would love to hear how you get on!!!
MULTIPLICATION STRATEGIES – Helpful Tips for parents!!