Maths Professional Development 29 April 2015

Raewyn Gainsford from Cognition Education is working with our staff this year around the talk we use in our Maths lessons.  On Wednesday 29 April Raewyn modeled in our classes.  Initially Raewyn met with the staff and shared the BIG MATHEMATICAL IDEAS she wanted to explore with the class.  Then we unpacked her planning for this.


Raewyn modeled using a problem solving approach with the whole class.



Raewyn explicitly used the talk move language to engage the children in accountable talk.

Raewyn Modelling

Last post in our newsletter:

At school the staff are working with Raewyn Gainsford—Math’s Advisor, Cognition Education. 

Our focus with her is around how we talk in the classroom and the types of conversations we want to hear children having in our classrooms.  Our students may know the right or wrong answers to questions but can often struggle with how to talk to other students about their thinking and their ideas.  This professional development is going to assist our teachers to assist their students to be able to do this successfully.

Some prompts we will be using at school:

What I heard you say  . . .

I agree because . .  / I disagree because  . . .

Could you explain that to me another way . . .

How did you get your answer?

How do you know that your answer is correct?

I have a questions about . . .

I don’t understand  . . .

I did it this way . . .

Can you tell me more about . . .

I noticed you . . .

It’s ok—take your time . . .

Have a go at home using some of these prompts and let us know how you get on!