Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa! I am Kim Waite. It is my absolute pleasure to be the Principal at Toko School. We have amazing students, the best staff, a wonderful community and a future focused Board of Trustees. I have been the Principal of Toko School for fourteen years.
The opportunity to continually learn, make a positive contribution to the education of others and to see our students grow in many ways is extremely important to me and at the heart of what we do at Toko School. I grew up in Hawkes Bay and completed my Teaching Diploma at Palmerston North Teachers College and my Bachelor of Education at Massey University.
Most recently I have completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Administration and Leadership at Massey University and am working towards completing my Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration. For the past five years I have been the Lead Principal for the Central Taranaki Kahui Ako. This was a wonderful opportunity for myself personally and our school.