Everyone is a member of the Friends of the School as soon as their child starts at our school.

So how would you like to be involved?

– You can either join the Friends of the School organising committee
– Select a few events you are interested in and attend the sub committee meetings for these events.
– Nominate yourself to assist with specific events/activities.

At the beginning of each school year our families will be asked how they can contribute to the Friends of the School and you will then be contacted by someone from the committee.


  • Chairpeople
    Tracy O’Sullivan
  • Secretary
    Helen Connole
  • Treasurers
    Kathy Wyllie
  • Staff Representatives
    Kim Waite and Megan Oliver
  • Committee
    Nicola Johnston, Talia Kowalewski, Rebecca Hutchinson, Janelle Downs, Catherine Ladd, Jen Allan, Laura Werder